The Service
Our Adult Homeless Pathway service provides accommodation and support to single homeless people over the age of 18 across North Oxfordshire, West Oxfordshire and Oxford City. We have 80 rooms in a mixture of shared houses in Oxford, Witney and Banbury in which we can support clients to help them build skills and move onto long-term independent living.
What can we help with?
- Developing your goals and aspirations
- Providing training and coaching in one or more areas of independence
- Help with managing your money and paying your bills
- Being someone willing to listen to your problems and to help you decide how to deal with them
- Supporting you in dealing with any drug or alcohol issues
- Helping you to understand your rights and responsibilities
- Jointly devise a structured programme of daytime activities including getting in touch with community groups and facilities
- Create a plan for moving on – supporting you to actively seek alternative accommodation
- Meeting with you regularly to discuss your progress and work through any blocks to your goals and aspirations
Who is this service for?
You need to be over 18 and homeless to access the Adult Homeless Pathway service. You will need to be ‘verified’ by a member of our Rough Sleeper Outreach Service before you can be offered one of the assessment bedrooms. Depending on the outcome of the assessment you may be offered a place in one of our houses or provided one by one of our partner organisations. Please note: you will have to pay a small service charge whilst you are in our houses.
How do we work?
- By listening to what you want
- By being friendly, organised and reliable
- By informing you of your rights and responsibilities
- By helping you put your decisions into practice, but not doing everything for you
We work closely with other agencies to provide the best service possible; sometimes we may need to share information and this will be done on a strictly “need-to-know” basis, after consultation with you. This may involve sharing information relating to risks to the public, staff or yourself.
We work with you to establish your priorities, strengths and skills. This helps us to see what support you may need. Over the following 6-9 months we will work with you through a structured programme of support including employment and skills, participation in your local community and moving on, to maximise your ability to live independently and achieve your aspirations.
We will also support you with an Action plan for moving on that will include actively seeking alternative accommodation, attending possible work placements, applying for jobs and completing a Tenancy Ready course as part of a portfolio to show prospective landlords.
What happens at the end of the pathway?
At the end of the pathway, you will have a Single Offer of Independent Move on Accommodation. Connection Support will continue to offer resettlement support into this accommodation for a period of up to 3 months. Move on accommodation is likely to be in Private Rented Accommodation.