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Mental Health Support Service Milton Keynes

The Service

We offer housing related-support to help you avoid homelessness or to sustain a tenancy, and maintain your independence. It’s a flexible service, which will meet with you in the local community or in your home. Support moves with you wherever you go within our area. Our service will complement and work in partnership with any statutory or voluntary agency. We will engage with this agency where our support cannot wholly meet the needs of the individual.

‘Windrush’ is also part of this service – independent supported accommodation for clients with Autism, however, referrals come to us via Adult Social Care.

What can we help with?

  • Support to keep your home
  • Money management, bills and debt
  • Help with benefit claims
  • Help with setting up in your new home
  • Help with education, training, voluntary work and employment Information on local community facilities or services
  • Information on specialist services

We do not:

  • Provide accommodation or support to search for accommodation
  • Help with personal care, shopping, cooking and cleaning

Who is this service for?

  • People aged 16 and over
  • Single people, couples and families
  • Living in the Borough of Milton Keynes, even if you own your own home
  • Have mental health issues and complex needs and are at risk of losing your tenancy

Priority will be given to clients who meet one or more of the following needs:

  1. Clients at High Risk of Homelessness and who without support a tenancy will fail
  2. Clients who are not in receipt of other support services
  3. Clients with Multiple Needs
  4. Clients who have difficulty engaging with services
  5. Clients at risk of social exclusion

How do we work?

Our support workers will work with you to determine what help you need and enable you to achieve independence and a better quality of life.

A Personal Story

Turning the Tide After Two Decades of Struggle – Frankie’s Story

Frankie* has struggled with her mental health for over 20 years and had not always received the consistent support she needed, both mentally and physically. She’d had a difficult past, experiencing abusive relationships, drug use, homelessness, and moving frequently. As a result of her difficult experiences, she was feeling depressed, suicidal, lonely, and distrustful. Everything…

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