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No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) – Oxfordshire

Our No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF) service has been designed to help people who are experiencing homelessness in Oxfordshire who have lost or don’t have access to state-funded benefits and housing. People in this situation are often not allowed to work; neither are they eligible for benefits, nor allowed to use public services except for basic health care. This leaves them at high risk of abuse and exploitation.

Funded by the Oxfordshire Homeless Movement, the project has been running since 2021 and we’ve supported over 40 individuals so far. We provide tailored support to allow these people to become self-sufficient and take practical steps to rebuild their lives. We are working in partnership with Asylum Welcome to help this group of people move on from the trauma of homelessness. Working with local housing association Soha and Edge Housing, we are able to offer these clients dignified accommodation, whilst they receive help and advice to resolve any legal matters and help them to get their lives back on track.

What can we help with?

Working in partnership with Asylum Welcome, we:

  • Find accommodation for people who don’t have access to housing and support them to sustain their tenancy.
  • Assist people to resolve their immigration status. This involves supporting asylum claims for those outside the EEA, and applications for settled status for those from within the EEA.
  • Create individual plans to help clients move forward, including providing support related to trauma and helping clients to access employment opportunities so that they can live independently.

Who is this service for?

Individuals who are subject to the ‘No Recourse to Public Funds’ condition and are experiencing homelessness in Oxfordshire.

How do we work?

We provide a support plan for each client that focuses on their individual strengths and is tailored for them.

A Case Study

Supporting people with No Recourse to Public Funds

Since our foundation in 1995, we’ve been providing exceptional support services for people experiencing homelessness across Oxfordshire. It’s where we first began, and although our charity has grown and expanded into other areas and services, solving homelessness remains at the heart of what we do. Over the past 27 years, the world has certainly changed,…

Funder & Service Partners

Asylum Welcome Oxfordshire


Our partners, funders & memberships