Looking for PAs/Carers to employ?
You will be asked to complete a job description and a little bit about yourself and should only need to do this once.
Your job description will need to be sent to our PA Register team to be checked and authorised and you will need to agree to the PA Register terms and conditions. *** Your job description will be manually approved, so it will not go live immediately. You will be receive an email notification when your job description has been approved.
What happens after my job description has been accepted?
Your job description will appear on the website, but your contact details will not be made available to anyone.
You can either look at the PA’s applications on the website, or these can be sent to you if you have difficulty accessing or using the internet.
Once you identify someone you would like to employ, our Employment Advisor team can offer you advice and support to help get your employment arrangements all set up. This includes offering you a Payroll Service to process timesheet information and payslips, and apply for any DBS check when required.