Our Services
Our Direct Payment and Employment Support Services are offered to people in Oxfordshire who receive a social or health care budget to buy services.
Our services can be purchased from a Direct Payment and there are various support options below.
What can we help with?
- A Direct Payment & Employer Helpline
- Finding and recruiting Personal Assistants
- A Payroll Service to process payslips, support with HMRC payments and pension auto-enrolment.
- Administrating your Direct Payment funding in a dedicated Holding Account and make payments to services, including PA's on your behalf.
Our Direct Payment Support Services
Connection Support is an experienced independent provider of Direct Payment support services. We have extensive knowledge of using Direct Payments in a way that is more relevant to individual circumstances and have helped many people in Oxfordshire to successfully use them. We also understand the challenges involved with setting up care and support arrangements and offer to support people in a way that gives them time to digest complex information and builds confidence with using a Direct Payment or becoming an employer.
We offer the following paid-for services on their own or as a mix:
Recruitment Support
Helping people advertise and recruit PA’s, create job descriptions and employment contracts and advice with employer liability insurance. Employers also receive regular information bulletins and updates to assist them with managing their on-going employer responsibilities.
One Off Cost:
1 PA £384.33
2 - 4 PA's £569.87
5 plus £821.68
DBS Check £65.20 per application
Payroll Service
Administrating PAYE on behalf of the employer, supporting with pension auto-enrolment set up and advise with making payments into a pension scheme and to HMRC.
Annual Charge:
Up to 2 PA's - £344.57
Extra PA's charged at £66.27 pp
DP Holding Account Service
Helping people administrate their Direct Payment money and make payments to services, including employed PA’s on their behalf. Providing statements of their DP income and spend every quarter and submitting this monitoring information to the Council on your behalf.
Annual Charge:
£350 plus a charge of £3 per payment transaction
*Discounted Payroll Service for 1 -2 PA's charged at £265.05 per year when using a Managed Holding Account Service or buying Recruitment Support.
Connection Support invoices for their services every 3 months.
Further more information, please contact our Helpline Tel: 01908 101346 or Email: sdshelpline@connectionsupport.org.uk for details of DP Support Service Charges.
Volunteer Peer Mentor Opportunities
Utilising your own personal experience as a Direct Payment user and employer, you can help guide and empower others that are just starting out in the role, or have some difficulties.
You would receive full training in the role and reasonable travel expenses.
For further information about how to apply, please contact our Helpline 01908 101346